4 min read

The Entrepreneur's Playbook for Real-Life Guild Domination

The Entrepreneur's Playbook for Real-Life Guild Domination
Photo by Jack B / Unsplash

When I was in middle school, I used to play a TON of video games. I was a different level of passionate. Pretty sure I was addicted as well, but that is beyond the point! I was the nerdiest guy in the room, and I still often am (I mean who else daily drives Linux lol).

I had the best time playing MMORPGs. It's the type of game that sends you to this parallel universe, and you have to build this fictional character. You can customize the way he looks, his background, his starting abilities, etc. The goal is to make your character the server's Top G. You can even create a guild with other Top Gs and dominate the game.

To actually ascend to the top of the server, you needed a deep understanding of the game. And I was kind of good at intellectually approaching things. You needed to study the different updates, understand the current META (most effective tactics available) and build your character in the most efficient way possible.

When Everything Changed

Everything was fun and games, no pun intended, until I made a pretty cold realization. I went outside one day, and I looked around me. I must have been locked up inside my room for a couple of days. I thought "Hey that landscape looks like something out of a video game". I paused for a few seconds... I had just discovered the one thing that completely turned my life upside down: "The World".

I quickly regathered my thoughts. NO! It wasn't the world that looked like the video game, it was the video game that looked like the world.


That's the question that changed my life. Instead of feeling fake fulfillment by leveling up online characters over and over again, I could actually feel something real by leveling up my OWN SELF in the game made by the greatest of designers. I already knew the steps, I studied that days and nights!

Actionable Steps to Win the Game

First: Choosing a class

Your class is kind of your calling. It's the type of character you want to be, the skill set you want to hone, the seed that will generate the rest of your story line.

Obviously, you can't be an assassin or a mage in the real world (unless maybe...), so you need to choose something that aligns with your goals. I wanted to become the strongest player and build the strongest guild in the server. That led me directly to entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are people with serious skills, and they build and run companies (guilds) for a living.

If you have difficulty choosing a class, or a field within entrepreneurship, there is a very simple fix for that: "algorithms". Social media websites are content-based and they are very good at knowing what you like. Just open YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter, and look at the recommendations. Chances are high that you have an interest in what's there. That's the easiest way to find your calling.

Second: Gaining Experience

Everyone starts the game at level 1. Take me, for example. I was fat, inexperienced, I had limited knowledge, no connections and little to no social skills at all. However, I knew how games worked! I knew that was easily fixable. All I needed was experience points.

Normally, I would gain EXP by either farming monsters (going out and fighting wild monsters), or doing quests, like retrieving a golden claw hidden in a tomb full of undead to save a local pawn shop (no I did not invent this). Then I would go inside the menu and increase my skill levels, and buy better equipment with the gold I collected on monsters or from quest rewards.

The real world is the same in many aspects. Farming comes in the form of consuming content and learning. That can be books, courses, videos, articles, etc. Quests come in the form of work related to your class. That will get you experience and money, which you can invest in new skills and equipment. You then take higher level quests, and your knowledge base will increase exponentially higher as well.

Your learning is only limited by the amount of things you already know.

The more you know, the more you're exposed to new ideas. I'll make a dedicated blog post on that topic.

Third: Leveling Up

As you gain experience, you will eventually level up. You will unlock new skills and you will become a stronger character. However, you want to select your skills wisely. For example, allocating 500 skill points to the bakery skill tree might not be the best investment if you aim to be a pro fighter, or a software engineer.

Choose skills that will make you grow quickly. Here is a list of basic skills you should invest in, regardless of your class:

  • Speech
  • Strength & Agility
  • Focus
  • Financial Literacy

Then, simply increase skills that are specific to your calling. As a day trader, I needed to heavily invest in the following:

  • Technical Analysis
  • Emotion Control
  • Risk Management

Find the ones that match your class and resonate with you. Then, go on a mission to level them up!

Fourth: Achieving the Highest Level

A cool feature of the real world is that there is no cap to how strong you can become as a player. Even if you feel like you've become the best player in the game, which is a difficult thing in the first place, there is always going to be another challenge to take, another class to explore, and new skills to develop.

The higher your level is, the better resources, in terms of skills, money and connections you're going to have. There is going to be one point where you'll unlock the achievement "Higher Purpose", something that usually takes a lifetime to fulfill.

You can even create a guild and have other top-tier players join, combining your resources towards a greater good. I call that "compound level up".

Save Yourselves

That, friends, is the potential of the real world. Stop coping with fake characters, created to satisfy you for a while. As soon as you close your console, you're back to that unsatisfying life, so you power that PS5 back on, and the wheel keeps spinning.

Set sail in the real world, find your calling, gain experience, upgrade your character, and achieve new heights. You will truly be surprised by the progress you will make.

I truly hope that was as eye-opening as it was for me. As ever, thank you for subscribing and reading through all of it!
